U.S. Licensed CPA`s
IRS Certified Acceptance Agent
Canadian, U.S. & International Tax Specialists

US & Cross-Border Tax Services Experts

US & Cross-Border Tax Specialist - Personal Services

  • Are you a US citizen in Canada who has annual US and Canadian tax filing obligations?

  • Are you a US citizen who failed to file a US tax return in the past and would like to become compliant?

  • Are you a Canadian who receives rental income, pension income or social security from the US?

  • Are you a US citizen who is interested in giving up or has already given up US citizenship?

  • Are you a Canadian who spends on average over 121 days in the US on an annual basis?

  • Are you a Canadian who has children attending US universities and temporarily living in the US?

If you have answered with at least one “yes,” it is time to come and see us.

At Bazar McBean LLP, we have significant experience in dealing with US and cross-border individual tax compliance and advisory, having partners exclusively working in that area. We are not only able to accurately report your items of income and expenses on each domestic tax return but can also minimize any tax implications by claiming an appropriate statutory exemption, credit or a treaty election. We can also advise you on how to minimize your overall tax cost by rebalancing your tax portfolio into more tax efficient products from both countries’ tax perspectives and less time consuming from the compliance perspective.

At Bazar McBean LLP, we work with clients and tax authorities on behalf of our clients to keep their tax costs to
a minimum in an ever-changing cross-border tax environment.