U.S. Licensed CPA`s
IRS Certified Acceptance Agent
Canadian, U.S. & International Tax Specialists

US and Cross-Border Corporate Tax Experts

US and Cross-Border Tax Accountant - Corporate Services

  • Has your company expanded into the United States or is considering to do so?
  • Have you consulted anyone who is familiar with both countries’ tax regimes to ensure that your US operations are structured in the most optimal fashion?
  • Have you started receiving any correspondence from the US federal or state tax authorities and not sure how to react to it?

If you have answered with at least one “yes,” it is time to come and see us.

Being in business and listening to the media, you are likely aware that the US and Canadian tax laws are not the same. Moreover, US taxes are quite diverse as they are not limited to federal tax law but often include state and local. The complexity and conflicts between Canadian, US federal and state tax laws create many obstacles for companies which work on both sides of the border.

Bazar McBean LLP specializes in addressing various cross-border tax challenges your company may face in its day-to-day business activities. We are offering the following comprehensive US cross-border tax compliance and advisory solutions on the corporate side:

  • Assist in structuring, expansion or liquidation of your business in the most tax efficient manner
  • Identify viable financing structures from cross-border perspective
  • Assess tax exposure and treatment to US shareholders of Canadian companies and Canadian shareholders of US companies
  • Determine US federal and state income, capital and sales tax risks from doing business in the US
  • Assist in compliance of US federal and state tax returns
  • Apply the benefits of Canada-US Income Tax Protocol where appropriate
  • Communicate with tax authorities and support in tax audits/disputes

Members of Bazar McBean LLP and our network of licensed US CPAs and attorneys are happy to assist you with all your US and cross-border business planning, risk assessment and reporting obligations.